The following list of frequently asked questions are meant to help guide your understanding of the Living Christ campaign.

If you cannot find the answer to your question below, you are encouraged to reach out to us via the Contact page. Thank you.

  • Living Christ is a capital and endowment campaign that seeks to raise a minimum of $65 million in gifts and pledges to strengthen local parish ministries, support clergy, expand Catholic charitable outreach, strengthen Catholic education, form lay leaders, and support Holy Rosary Cathedral.

  • All parishes within the Diocese of Toledo will participate in the campaign during specific “Waves” of activity from 2021-2023. The Pilot Phase will run from October 2021-February 2022 and will be followed with Waves 1-3 in subsequent five-month periods.

  • Every parish is assigned a goal that is based on 120% of its average offertory income over a three-year period (2018, 2019, & 2020), then rounded to the nearest $5,000. Parish goals are not assessments.

  • Each parish will conduct their own Living Christ campaign and receive support from a professional campaign director every step of the way. Successful campaigns are rooted in five principles: Prayer, Personal Visits, Proportionate Giving, Phased Approaches, Pledged Commitments.

  • A campaign of this scope is being undertaken to create a vibrant and stable future for the vital ministries of our parishes and diocese. The endowments created through this campaign will provide continuous resources for our clergy, laity, young adults, Catholic children, and those in need in our 19 county diocese. To meet the needs of today, while ensuring our ministries can serve our people for generations to come, these investments are vital.

  • Offertory is expected to remain constant during Living Christ’s five-year pledge period. On many occasions, parishes have experienced noticeable increases in offertory giving in the years following the conclusion of the campaign.

  • Yes, however, Waves 1 and 3 of campaign activity have been aligned in a way that will not directly overlap with the commencement of the Annual Catholic Appeal. Living Christ is unique, as it will create endowments to fund future ministries of the diocese, while the Annual Catholic Appeal provides for the continual annual funding for shared diocesan ministries and programs.

  • Yes, campaign funds raised through Living Christ will support some of the same ministries that the Annual Catholic Appeal supports. Living Christ differs in the sense that it will provide endowment funds for seminarian education, priest retirement, Catholic Charities, Catholic Education, campus ministry and lay ministry. The campaign will also support local parish needs.

  • Our parishes are the heart of our diocese, and we must ensure their strength and viability. Living Christ will strengthen local parishes by allotting $22.75 million in funds to support local projects that have been decided by the parishioners and pastors of each local church. Every parish will receive 35% of all funds raised, up to their diocesan goal, to address defined local projects and needs. Once a parish has surpassed their goal, 50% of every dollar raised above goal will remain with the parish for additional local investment.

  • By law, all gifts are in fact tax-deductible. You will receive an acknowledgement of your gift for tax purposes. Please consult with your tax and financial experts for additional help on this matter.

  • Living Christ will direct $16 million in endowed funds to support the holy men who serve us, in their seminary years, active pastoral ministry, and through their retirement. This diocese is currently blessed with 14 young men that are following God’s calling to the priesthood. The diocese currently has 64 retired priests, and many more that will be eligible to retire within the next five years. Living Christ will ensure that all levels of our clergy will be supported long-term.

  • A strong Church tomorrow requires today’s youth to remain active and engaged members of the Church in their adulthood. Through the Living Christ campaign, two separate endowments will be established to serve as an aid enhance Catholic education within our existing schools, while increasing our presence in the higher education institutions throughout our diocese.

  • Parishes will have access to their allotted funds immediately upon pledge redemption. The amount that each parish receives will vary, as the numbers will be based off of cash received. The diocese has established separate savings accounts for each parish’s local funds, and parishes will have free access to their individual accounts.

  • The cost of the campaign is $5.67 million, or 8.7% of the overall $65 million campaign goal. This cost includes professional fundraising counsel for two years, printed promotional materials for more than 100,000 families, specially produced campaign videos, database management and gift acknowledgment and pledge fulfillment for thousands of donors. All costs are flat fees for services performed, thus the determined costs are capped and will not exceed the above dollar amount, regardless of what is raised.

  • A pledge amount is suggested for each household to reach the $65 million goal. Each household’s financial situation is different. Please pray about a gift proportionate to your capability.

  • Pledges may be paid in installments over five years, allowing families to make larger commitments than they might otherwise consider. Pledged gifts are typically four to five times larger than a one-time gift.

  • Pledges are faith-based, and are driven by our own goodwill, thus not legally binding in any way. Unanticipated events or situations can occur. If financial circumstances change, a donor may contact the campaign office to adjust, pause or cancel their pledge 419-214-4951.

  • Donors may choose to fulfill their pledges monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. The Diocese of Toledo will process each gift and provide a gift acknowledgement letter confirming the preferred schedule for payment reminders. Since the Diocese of Toledo will be handling the processing of gifts, all checks should be made out to “Living Christ.”

  • Yes, Living Christ accepts publicly traded securities as payments on pledges, as well as deferred gifts. Inquiries regarding stock gifts can be handled by contacting the campaign office 419-214-4951.

  • Prayer is at the heart of the Gospel. Every family will be asked to pray for the success of Living Christ, as well the Diocese of Toledo. Additionally, every pastor will require volunteer support to ensure successful local campaigns. If you are interested in helping in any way, please contact your parish or the campaign office 419-214-4951.